- Can you read this?
- Human brains love structure
- It’s a bit like those obnoxious T-shirts where the txet lokos lkie tihs
- The brain doesn’t read linearly like a computer.
- Readable because the brain looks for different inputs:
- The first letter
- The last letter
- The length of each word
- Spatial information is the basis for ideas like the memory palace
- When writing
- They let you group ideas without going through the trouble of explaining how they are grouped
- If writing is a journey, the outline is your map.
- It's the list of all the destinations you want to hit and the route you want to take.
- When speaking
- Scripts are limiting
- We script to rid ourselves of typical speaking-related challenges
- Examples
- Filler word reduction
- Blackouts
- Awkwardness when connecting ideas
- The same problems can be solved through outlines with practice
- If you go off, it’s hard to recover
- Think of outlines as the points you want to get across no matter what
- If you get pulled away, it’s easy to find where you were
- If the engagement takes an unexpected turn, the outline ideas can be reorganized mentally
- There are no rules
- I once had a teacher who said that you can’t do
- This (a section with only one sub-section)
- Can’t
- Stop
- Me
- Now
- Ordered (numbers) vs unordered (bullets)
- Depends on preference
- I’m all about the ordering.
- If the thoughts are unordered, I just ignore the numbers
- Transferrable
- File types
- Every editor supports indentation
- It’s good to learn keyboard shortcuts
- Tab for indent
- Shift + Tab for unindent
- Can be converted to HTML
- Easy to repurpose
- Between mediums
- A speech can become a book
- A cheeky blog post about outlines can become a tweet
- Between engagements
- A software demo for one audience can become
- Can be generated easily from a mind map
- Inspiration for this post
- Growing up, all through school, my dad encouraged me to use outlines
- I ignored him.
- It seemed like a pointless extra step.
- Dad always gets the last laugh.
- Some tips
- Aim for one sentence or idea per line
- Don’t be afraid to reorganize
- If publishing online as HTML, check out this site: https://wordtohtml.net/